Wellness Sprints

Disruptive innovation for
Healthcare programs


Attain provides healthcare innovation consulting and training through its unique expertise in design thinking and healthcare.

Why Wellness Sprints?


To improve
employee programs


To innovate Healthcare
products and services


To reimagine internal
processes & systems


Attain’s Wellness Sprints

How they work


Problem Framing

Problem Framing is a 1-day process we’ll run 1-2 weeks before your wellness sprint to answer 2 questions:

What is the problem you’re interested in solving? Is it clear enough that everyone on the team empathizes and understands it?

Why is the problem worth solving? What is the impact it will have on your company? What value will it produce for your users?


User / Market Research

Many of the ideas about your market and users that we’ll generate during Problem Framing are based on assumption and bias.

In order to learn and validate those assumptions and bring the voice of your user into our forthcoming sprints, we’ll spend 1-2 days collecting some research with your market. The research may happen through surveys, interviews, or going out into the field to observe.

All of the research will be gathered so that it can be presented anbd shared during the upcoming sprint sessions.


Understand, Ideate, Decide

We kick off the wellness sprint with an intense and eye-opening 3-part series of activities: Understand, Ideate, Decide.

Understand: We review the insights gathered during Problem Framing and Market Research so that the team builds alignment around the business challenge they’re being asked to work on during the sprint.

Ideate: The team members are invited to individually conceive a solution to the challenge at-hand. By diverging, we allow each person’s strongest, unbiased ideas to be contributed.

Decide: We end the day by bringing the team together to share their individual solutions and then vote on the strongest one we’d like to take forward in the process.



In order to get genuine feedback on your ideas, we’ll make the experience feel real by turning your most voted solution into a prototype for your target users to interact with.

Prototypes can take many shapes and forms - digital products, marketing materials, movies, a physical space, or even role playing to mimic a new service. We’ll decide on the best-fit prototype and then create it together over the course of a single day!



The best and most rapid way to learn is by sharing your ideas with the people who are experiencing the problem we’re trying to innovate. This powerful learning will happen during the final day of your wellness sprint.

We’ll conduct a series of 5 user interviews with your target market. They’ll be invited to review the prototype we’ve created so we can learn from their experience of interacting with it.

We’ll now have user-validated insights to guide our next steps!


Attain Consulting

Exciting and measurable innovation services


What’s included:

  • Experts from design thinking and innovation

  • Healthcare expertise - doctors, pharmacists

  • Organizational and stakeholder discovery

  • Prioritization of major opportunities

  • Rapid ideation and prototyping

  • Live testing and validation of ideas

  • Final synthesis and action plan

  • Ongoing support and coaching

Attain Training Services

Workshops to educate
and inspire your organization


What to expect:

  • Become aware of the value of design thinking

  • Hear and learn from our real-world applications

  • Hands-on practice with Wellness Sprint experts

  • Spark a culture of innovation

  • Learn to fall in love with critical problems

  • Certificates of completion for all attendees

Ready to innovate your
Healthcare programs?